Ketamine-Assisted Therapy (KAT) offered in both the individual and group settings

Why group KAT?

It is part of our core mission to include community and connection as essential aspects of healing. Group KAT can provide a powerful container, particularly when looking to deepen work previously done in individual KAT sessions, and when seeking treatment within cohorts of shared background or shared mental-health conditions. There is an excellent body of evidence for the treatment of mental health conditions in the group context. Offering group KAT also allows us to offer treatment at a lower cost.

Our groups are carefully curated and held with experience and compassion. It is typically an edge for most people to enter into a shared group space for Ketamine-Assisted Therapy. Together, we cultivate a safe and vulnerable container, and honor that this process happens over time. We understand that it can be difficult to know for certain if the group environment will be a good fit. Group work requires the desire and ability to be in the presence of others' processes, while also tending to your own. In general, we have found that folks with severe social anxiety, newly discovered or unprocessed trauma, and diagnosed personality disorders are not served best by group Ketamine-Assisted Therapy.

Group Offerings

  • Continuation Group

    One group ketamine and one group integration session for those who have participated in previous Ketamine-Assisted Therapy at Riverbird. Expanded states of consciousness can shift our internal patterns and belief systems. The Continuation Group invites us to support each other in deepening our embodiment of these shifts.

  • Mental Health Group

    The Mental-Health Group is a 12-week series for anyone who struggles with depression, anxiety, adjustment or mood disorders. It includes group ketamine and integration sessions, individual integration sessions, and self-guided ketamine sessions. Participants are asked to commit to the entire length of the group. The group will be facilitated by 2-3 Riverbird staff members.

  • Healing for Healers

    Healing for Healers is a two-session series, which supports a deepening familiarity with the ketamine experience and the unique opportunity to explore this mind state in a group setting. This particular series is for folks working in the human services field who want to deepen their personal healing work, explore their role as healers, combat burnout and compassion fatigue, and foster connection and community.